Monday, December 9, 2013

DIY Body Wash

I have been making my own body wash for several months now. This soap is fantastic, it lathers well and lasts a long time with out being difficult to make.

I use Dove bar soap as I know it will not irritate my skin.

Step 1.

 Shred your soap with a cheese grater. This takes a little time, but it smells wonderful.

Step 2.  For each bar of soap that you shredded place 1 cup of water in a sauce pan and heat. This step is much like creating a cheese sauce with out a roux. Once the water is heated turn the heat down to medium low and slowly as the soap as it melts in the water. It should look like the picture below in the beginning. It will not be thick at this point.

Once all the soap is added and completely smooth with no chunks or bits of solid soap in your water turn off the burner and move pan to a trivet to cool.

At this point your soap will still be quite watery, however I allow my soap to cool overnight which thickens it up substantially, before I put it in the body wash bottle. This is a cheap easy way to make body wash that is great for sensitive skin and lasts longer than store bought body wash.

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